"May the LORD bless you and protect you.
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace."
Numbers 6:24-26, NLT
Hi, my name is Christy Bower. I’m the author of dozens of books, including Crossword Bible Studies. I like to make learning the Bible fun and easy. That’s why I wanted to create Bible Memory Journals to help people hide God’s word in their heart.
Wait a minute. I’m horrible at memorizing anything! That’s right. I’m terrible at memorizing things—names, numbers, and words! In fact, not long ago, I was on the phone in a stressful situation and the person asked for my phone number. I couldn’t remember MY OWN phone number and started crying.
Memorizing Bible verses seemed like torture. It was like taking a hammer and pounding words into my brain through a painful repetitive process that was wrapped in a constant feeling of failure.
I gave up memorizing anything. But later I noticed I could recall verses from memory—verses I had not “pounded” into my head. How did this happen? I realized that when I often referred to a verse and it had profound personal meaning to me, I could recall the verse. Maybe not to perfection, but close enough in a world of multiple Bible translations.
When something is meaningful to the heart, the head will remember it.
Read that again please.
That’s why the Bible says, “Your word I have hidden in my heart.” It doesn’t say to hammer God’s word into your head. It says to gently hide it away in your heart.
With Bible Memory Journals, the focus is not on rote repetition, but on spending a week reflecting on a verse to build personal connection with it. When the heart begins to value, or treasure, a particular verse, the head will remember it. Even if you don’t have it word-for-word, you’ll have built what I call an anchor point. You’ll remember the verse reference and at least a key phrase from the verse. That way you can recall where to find it when you need it.